As one of a range of initiatives to decarbonise our handling activities, we have recently started trialling an electric GPU at Barcelona airport. The trial is being conducted within the framework of our Sustainability Plan, which defines as one of its main aims the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Diesel GPUs are currently used to supply energy during the ground assistance provided to aircraft in remote parking bays due to the inherent limitations of energy supplies in these positions. Of all the equipment required to assist an aircraft during stopover, the GPU generates 42% of the CO2 emissions discharged during the operation.

At IBAS we are committed to reducing this carbon footprint in our operations and have therefore started a series of trials with electric GPUs from different suppliers. These units have numerous benefits:

  • they have advanced security technology
  • they produce zero emissions and zero noise
  • they can support 15 operations with a single 4-hour charge
  • they are easy to operate and widely accepted by users

The trials will continue in the coming months as part of our aim to become an increasingly #greenhandling.

“In the last five years we have renewed 80% of our motorised fleet and introduced alternative energies. Of the equipment for which there are electric versions, nearly 40% now are electric”